Email : dl.0658.oshc@schools.sa.edu.au
Ph. 08 8293 2568 0438 356 009
Forbes Primary School Out of School Hours Care (Before School Care - BSC and After School Care - ASC) and Vacation Care Programs are services provided for parents who require childcare while you are working or studying. Occasional care is also available on a needs basis. The OSHC Committee of the Forbes Primary School Council manages the programs. OSHC and Vacation Care operate within education department guidelines. All relevant policies of the school apply equally in OSHC and Vacation Care.
Enrol Online Here
Enrolments & Bookings | It is advisable for parents to enrol their child in OSHC at the same time as enrolling their child in the school. All families must enrol their children prior to using the service.

Effective as of 1st of July 2024
Before School Care | 6.30am - 8.30am $15.00
After School Care | 3.00pm - 6.00pm $30.00
Vacation Care | Full Days | 6.30am - 6.00pm $60.00* (* may be additional fee for excursion)
Half Day Vac Care/Pupil Free Day 6:30am - 12:30 or 12:30 - 6:00pm $37.50
Early Finish 2:00pm - 6.00pm $35.00
Pupil Free Days/School Closure| Full Days $60.00 | Half Day 6:30am - 12:30 or 12:30 - 6pm $37.50
Late Fee $1.00 per minute after 6.00pm
Concessions | Parents who are eligible to receive Childcare Assistance can contact Centrelink for further information. This eligibility reduces the cost of fees to the parents.