Forbes Primary School Governing Council is the main decision-making body in the school. All parents are welcome to attend Governing Council meetings to observe or contribute to an agenda item of interest. It is important that all groups of parents have a say so that the range of views held by parents in the school can be heard and discussed. Besides providing support for the school, the Principal and other staff, the business of Governing Council includes:  

  • Providing a focus & a forum for the involvement of parents and the school community.
  • Ascertaining the education needs of the local community. 
  • Ensuring that the cultural and social diversity of the community is considered.
  • Setting the broad direction and vision of the school.
  • Strategic planning for the school.
  • Determining policies for the wellbeing and safety of students.
  • Reviewing the budget.
  • Reporting to the school community. 

The work of Governing Council is supported through various committees including Education, Communication and Promotion, Finance, Sports, Grounds and Facilities, OSHC, Uniform and Parent Network (including fundraising).  

Volunteers are an integral part of our school and we have a large number who generously give of their time and expertise. Their active participation in the work of the school is greatly appreciated and valued. Volunteer roles include sports coaches, assisting students with their learning (LAP), working bees, fundraising, supervising camps or classroom activities and excursions.

For more information contact Forbes Primary School 08 8293 4343