Indonesian is our language other than English and is taught to all students by a specialist teacher.
Performing arts classes allows our students to discover dance, act and play by a specialist teacher.

Reception - Year 6 students participate in the Values Program which is introduced in the first 3 weeks of the year based on our school values statement. The program is integrated across the curriculum and implemented on a daily basis. Activities support students to develop foundation skills in developing skills for successful learning at school. Assembly Awards are based on these values.
At Forbes, upper primary students are involved with South Australia’s premier debating organisation. It allows supportive and challenging opportunities for students to debate in an exceptionally well-run, friendly, and professional program that is challenging, enjoyable, and most of all, fun.
The Primary Schools Music Festival is a South Australian State Heritage icon under the direction of The Public Primary Schools Music Society and the Department for Education. As custodians of this iconic South Australian tradition, we engage our students in artistic excellence, cultural diversity and social inclusion through performance in Music and the Arts.
Students who come from a non-English speaking background are assessed annually and 1:1 support is provided if necessary by a specialist EALD teacher. The school also offers an extensive special education program for students who are identified with learning difficulties or disabilities.
Numerous intensive intervention programs have been implemented for identified students who require additional support. These are predominantly in the areas of Reading and Numeracy.
Special Options Classes
We host two regional special options classes, one for Reception - Year 2 students and the other for Year 3- students. Students in these classes have an integration program with a designated mainstream class and actively participate in whole school activities and events.
Forbes has a Pastoral Care Worker who provides pastoral care for students and their families who want this support. Our PCW worker works closely with the Wellbeing Leader to support students.
The Student Representative Council meets regularly to discuss topics raised by students through their class meetings. Two representatives are elected from each class. The voices of students are important at Forbes and their opinions and ideas are listened to by staff and taken seriously. The SRC is an important decision making group within the school.
We have developed a special program with some of our local Kindergartens. A number of volunteer students visit and are involved in a range of interactive activities including; reading, sports and games and singing. It is positive example of active citizenship and community service and allows students coming to the school from these Kindergartens already feel a part of our community.
Forbes Primary School is often involved in SAPSASA events. These events encourage student participation outside the classroom and foster growth for leadership in sporting situations.
Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club is open to all students and operates Tuesday to Thursday from 8am, offering toast, fruit, warm food, etc. It is managed by volunteers who also source donations of food and drinks. It is a social occasion where students enjoy a social and healthy start to the day.
R-Year 6 assemblies are held three times in a term within our school hall - usually on Friday mornings at 9.00am. The date and times are listed in the newsletter. Parents are most welcome to attend this whole school community event. These are celebratory and acknowledge the effort and achievements of individual and groups of students.

Interoception Room
At Forbes Primary School our focus is on ‘wellbeing for learning’. We all know that our brains cannot engage in high quality learning if our emotions are dysregulated. Learning to self- regulate is a critical life skill and a key to healthy development in all areas. There are many reasons why children may need additional support and strategies to develop this skill.
This year at Forbes we created a ‘regulation room’. The students have named it the “Calm Down Cave”. This is a very special room where students can go to help regulate their emotions and reset. It aims to get them back on track and ready to learn in class. The room has adults who can co-regulate with them as well as many sensory resources and mindful activities.
This room has been extremely successful and is really helping our students manage their feelings of anxiety, frustration, sadness, anger and sadness.
The other way we are supporting students to self -regulate is by developing their interoceptive awareness. We are doing this in the regulation room and also across classrooms.